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During the lockdown, demonstrations have gone virtual.


For anyone interested in seeing a Thermomix demonstration during this time, please don't be shy. You'll have the opportunity to ask questions at any point without any compromise.


Cooking experiences are an essential part of our business and therefore, we will continue to do this. 


How does it work?

We will arrange a slot and I'll be cooking recipes from our Cooking Experience Menu via Zoom or whichever channel you are more comfortable with.

I've done many virtual demonstrations, successfully via Zoom. 




If you would like to action any referrals for family,

friends, or colleagues to me during this time,

I will pop gift to you in the post as thank you.



Our advisors holds public demosntrations in their houses, where they show Thermomix. This is an opportunity where you can enjoy a demonstration without the hassle of buying ingredients, inviting friends or having to clean your home for visitors. These sessions take approximately two hours.


If you would like to attend to any of our public demos, please email us. 


An opportunity meeting is an informal chat over a coffee, (now via Zoom) including a short presentation to give you a comprehensive introduction to the role of an Advisor. 


As an Advisor on my team, I offer free ongoing training and support to help you to succeed. It is now possible to ‘earn’ your Thermomix through demonstrating and you could turn your enthusiasm for food and cooking into a business demonstrating Thermomix in your local Area. Come to a Thermomix Advisor Open Day to learn more about the business opportunity.

I hold regular opportunity meetings, below are the next available dates for training. If you are interested in joining the Team, get in touch!


Virtual training are hold on every Wednesday Now.




Our classes are fast approaching and I hope you are looking forward to it as much as we do!

Coming back soon  


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